News from Portugal
Find here all the articles concerning the current events in Portugal but also useful information for those who would like to expatriate in this beautiful country. You may not know it, but I have been developing for several years a network of trustworthy French-speaking professionals in all the fields you may need to come and live in Portugal. It was not an easy task but I know that I can now redirect you to these experts that I know personally and who will be able to advise you and accompany you in your Portuguese expatriation: real estate purchase, insurances, car purchase, administrative procedures, business creation or even accounting from A to Z.
You will find in this section articles about current events but also articles about administrative procedures and their changes such as the RNH, taxes, taxation, rent or real estate prices, mutual insurance companies and many other useful information to keep you informed before you expatriate.
If you want to know more, you can consult the menu at the top to discover different pages on administrative procedures and contact forms to discuss with my network of experts in Portugal.